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The impact of ANALYST will cover various areas according to the holistic approach the project is implementing: 

The stakeholder community including academia, industry, public authorities, and NGOs will have access to more robust and consistent guidelines and methodologies for integrative social, economic, health and environment impact assessment.

Industry will be enabled to make impact-based informed investment decisions for future chemicals and materials.

Public authorities and policy makers at EU and national level will be supported in the implementation of policies, including the transition to safe and sustainable chemicals and materials through improved understanding of potential sustainability trade-offs.



Avenida Afonso III, S/N – Edifício do Cais da Antiga Estação da CP, da União de Freguesias de Monção e Troviscoso, 4950-431, Monção, Viana de Castelo, Portugal

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The ANALYST project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under the Grant Agreement No 101138548

Designed and managed by Polymer Comply Europe

Public deliverables 

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